If a
“LINK ERROR!” message shows up, turn the ignition off for
about 10 seconds, check if the Scan
Tool’s OBDII connector is
securely connected to the
vehicle’s DLC, and then turn the ignition
back to on. Repeat the procedure from step 5. If the
message does not go away, then there may be problems for the
Scan Tool to communicate with the vehicle.
6. Wait for the main menu to come up after a brief overview displaying the
scanning results with the total number of DTCs and the overall I/M
Monitor Status.
Select “
” from the main menu by pressing the
If there are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes retrieved, the display will
If there are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes, then the total number of
the Fault Codes followed by that of the Pending Codes will be
reported on the display.
8. Read the Diagnostic Trouble Codes by pressing the SCROLL button.
The first code number will appear on the first line of the LCD
display, the numerical sequence of the code and the total number
of the codes stored will appear on the second line. To view
additional codes, press the
button to scroll, as necessary,
until all the codes have been shown up.