Wireless Topologies and Site Surveys
< 26 > Falcon RF WaveLAN Supplement
>> Site Surveys
For most office environments, a site survey is not necessary. For
large, industrial environments requiring multiple APs, however, you
should perform a site survey before installing a WaveLAN network
system. Run Lucent’s setup program on a laptop using a WaveLAN
The purpose of a site survey is to calculate the most effective num-
ber of access points at a site and the best placement and position-
ing of antennas for optimal reception of radio signals. This is done
by identifying areas where transmission failures occur.
As each site is unique, the surveyor needs to consider the exact con-
ditions as they will appear in the final installation. In addition to
such climate factors as moisture, excessive heat, and dust, a site sur-
vey can also be affected by physical obstructions and electromag-
netic interference. Also important is the identification of potential
cabling, connector, or power problems.