ODT-MAC400-* / ODT-MAC401-* / ODT-MAC403-*
Trigger modes: Interval burst trigger
In Interval burst trigger mode, several images are captured and decoded for each
external trigger. An interval is defined, during which several images are captured.
The burst length and time limit define the minimum number of images or decoding
attempts: Number N = burst length / (20 ms + time limit). Any other triggers that
arise during the burst are ignored and counted as missed triggers.
Suppress unsuccessful read (RS232 & TCP/IP):
Specifies whether the
output of the signal or output string from an unsuccessful read should be
suppressed (activated) or not suppressed (deactivated).
Burst length:
Burst length setting in ms. The value range is 0 ms ... 30000
ms. Entering the number 30001 is the equivalent of setting no limit, i.e.,
once the reader starts triggering, it carries on continuously. Continuous
burst mode can be terminated by a command (8400) or pulse at the second
Decoder timeout:
Specifies the decoder timeout, between 10 ms and
10000 ms. Here, enter the maximum time that the decoder should attempt
to decode a captured image.
Stop after good reading:
Specifies whether the burst is stopped after a
good reading. If the burst length is set to infinite, the burst does not stop
after a good reading.
Duplicate suppression (ms):
The value range is 0 ms ... 30000 ms. Here,
enter the maximum time that the last decoding result should be ignored.
Example: A code is ignored if it cannot be retrieved quickly enough from the
read area and the same code is read again.
Gain hysteresis:
Activate or deactivate the gain hysteresis. The gain value
hysteresis may be useful if the contrast of symbols scheduled for scanning
is varied. The hysteresis can be deactivated or activated with
1 increment
up to an increment quantity of
15 increments . When an increment width
of 2 is entered, a total of 5 captures are triggered.
Example: The gain is set to 100, the gain hysteresis is activated with 2
increments, and the increment width is set to 5, which means that when a
trigger occurs, 5 images with the following gain values are captured in
succession: 100, 105, 95, 110, 90. The preset gain value is the average
value of the hysteresis, so to speak. (Note: The gain value range extends
from 0 to 255. If the upper or lower limit is exceeded as a result of the
hysteresis process, the relevant gain value is limited to 0 or 255. Example:
Gain 50, 4 increments, increment width 20, -> gain values: 50, 70, 30, 90,
10, 110, 0, 130, 0). The gain hysteresis stops if decoding is successful.