AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway in Stainless Steel
Appendix: Example for startup on a Siemens S7
Hex parameterizing
Hexadecimal representation of the data resulting from the settings for parameter
bytes 0 to 2.
Hexadecimal representation of the data resulting from the settings for parameter
bytes 3 to 37.
SIMATIC Step7 blocks
After the hardware has been configured, these can be sent to the CPU. Since
data transmission of the AS-i data is done in this example directly to the process
image, no additional Step7 program is needed for data refreshing. Therefore
there is no program code in OB1.
OB1 Cyclical program block. Access to the AS-i data is via the parame-
terized address space in the in-/outputs process image.
OB82 PROFIBUS diagnostic alarm. This OB is invoked as soon as a
PROFIBUS slave has set the ExtDiag flag in the telegram reply.
This ExtDiag flag allows a PROFIBUS slave to report an error con-
dition to a PROFIBUS master. If OB82 is not present, the CPU is
stopped when a PROFIBUS slave sets the ExtDiag flag.
OB86 PROFIBUS peripheral error. This OB is invoked when the PROFI-
BUS master detects a PROFIBUS slave failure.