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3. The resistance values of CdS cell
3. Replace CdS cells.
are inconststent.
How to check it:
CdS cells are divided into
three types and are wrapped
Test whether or not the needle
and supplied in envelope
functioning of the meter is correct
marked red, blue or white,
with the Light Value Correction
according to the Sensitivity.
The variable resistor (010008)
Refer to Service Memorandum
is also divided into three types
dated 5 October 1964 under the
according to its characteristics.
sublect “Adapter for tight Value
Thus, CdS cells and variable
Correction Unit for Checking
resistor marked with the same
colour are combined and
assembled as a unit. Conse-
quently, when replacing CdS
cells, use the CdS cells in
envelope marked with the
same colour as that painted on
the side of the variable resistor
Also remember that the
cells installed have to be replaced at
the same time, as it is extremely
difficult to determine which one of
the CdS cells is defective. When
installing CdS cells on the prism
seat, see to it that the shorter lead
wire come to the viewfinder sides,
as illustrated.
At present, lead wire of CdS cells is
covered wit’h a green coloured
tube. However,CdS cells ore
expected to be supplied in the
future in tubes with red, blue or
white colour according to the