Following is a list of common
problems and possible solutions.
Refer to the pump and panel
installation and service manuals
for details regarding any necessary
adjusting, dismantling or repair
Pump runs but does not pump
down the basin with the H-O-A
switch on either Hand or
Automatic position.
1. Cutters may be clogged.
Amperage higher than
nameplate may indicate this
2. Pump rotation may be reversed
(on three-phase pumps only).
Switching any two power
leads on three phase pumps
will correct the rotation.
3. Discharge gate valve may be
4. Pump may be air locked.
Fill basin approximately
10 inches or more above the
ball check valve assembly.
Raise pump assembly so that
the ball check valve
disengages the discharge
elbow (approximately 6
inches). Stand clear from the
sump opening to avoid spray
and turn pump on for a brief
second to clear trapped air in
the volute.
5. Clogging anywhere from
cutters to check valve. This is
evident if no water discharged
out of the check valve after
raising the pump to disconnect
the sealing flange. Pull pump
assembly and check for cause
of clogging.
6. Discharge head may be too
high. Check elevation against
design point of pump.
7. Clogging beyond the sealing
flange. This is evident if
water is discharged through
the check valve when raising
the pump to disconnect the
sealing flange. Inspect system
basin piping or discharge
piping from basin to locate
Basin level is pumped down with
H-O-A switch on Hand position,
but is not pumped down with
H-O-A switch on Automatic
1. Floats are not hanging free in
the basin or are covered with
grease. Pump the level down
with the H-O-A switch on
Hand, so that the floats can be
observed. Relocate and clean
float(s) as necessary.
2. If this is a new installation
and original start-up, the
floats may be miswired into
the control panel. If the On
and Off floats are reversed,
the pump will short cycle on
and off and will not pump the
level down.
3. Floats or alternator are
malfunctioning. Pull the floats
out of the basin and hang the
Off and On floats from your
hand. Turn the H-O-A switch
to Auto. Tilt the Off float so
that the large end is above
the cord end – nothing should
happen. While keeping the Off
float tilted, tilt the On float in
the same manner – the pump
should come on. Suspend the
On float again from your hand
– the pump should continue
to run. Finally, suspend the
Off float – the pump should
stop running. If this procedure
does not cause the pump to
operate as described, either
replace the float(s) or replace
the alternator relay if the
system is duplex.
Seal Failure Light Comes On.
1. This indication means the
lower seal has failed and has
allowed water to enter the
lower seal chamber to make
contact with the electrode.
Pump must be scheduled for
NOTE: Use twisted shielded
cable for seal failure cable runs
in excess of 100 feet.
Pump Run Light Stays On.
1. H-O-A switch may be in Hand
2. Lower float may have failed
causing the pump to continue
operating below the Off level.
3. Pump may be air locked.
4. Cutters may be clogged.
Circuit Breaker Trips When
Pump Tries To Start.
1. Short circuit in pump motor.
2. Water may have entered the
motor housing through either
worn out mechanical seals or
3. Contactor failure for three
phase pumps. Check pump
contactor for burnt contacts.
4. Start component(s) failure for
single phase pumps. Check
start capacitor and start relay
for failure.
5. Single phase pump may be
miswired to panel. The white,
black, and red pump power
leads must be connected
correctly to panel.
Содержание Hydromatic TL-Pro