5.4 Converting the boiler to a different gas type
The conversion of a boiler from burning natural gas to LPG, or vice versa, must be carried out
exclusively by professionally qualified personnel, registered in accordance with current legislation
and authorized by Pensotti North America.
Check that the gas supply pipe is suitable for the new fuel type.
Conversion is performed as follows:
Select the n
ew gas type by changing parameter no.P02 (see „Parameters table‟ 5.2);
Set the frequency value for the fan operation through parameters 17 - 18 - 19- 20 according to Table 2 -
paragraph 5.3 (for 18kW models only)
Unscrew the aluminium plug and insert the analyser in the exhaust sampling point PF (see fig.1 paragraph 4.5)
to check the CO value. Make sure that the value complies with that reported in table 1 (paragraph 4.5);
If the CO2 value does not correspond to the specified value, adjust screw V (see fig. 1 paragraph 4.5) on the
venturi clockwise to reduce the CO2 value or counter-clockwise to increase it;