4.2 Alarm Relay Type
This option allows the user to select the alarm relays to be Latching or Non-Latching type. Also if
the relays to function as
Normally Energized
Relay Type
from the edit configuration option list and the following screen is displayed.
Press ENTER key to move the arrow pointer to the data value that needs to be modified. The
keys to toggle the value between Latching and Non-Latching or Norm-Energ(ised)
or De-Energ(ised) relay status.
FLT is the sensor Fault or Comm Error Relay
**** Relay Type ***
R #1
Non-Latch De-Energ
R #2 Non-Latch De-Energ
R #3 Non-Latch De-Energ
R #4 Non-Latch De-Energ
R #5 Latching De-Energ
R #6 Latching De-Energ
FLT Non-Latch De-Energ
Latching alarm relays require manual RESET, where as non-latching alarms are
auto reset, that is they are deactivated once the gas concentration falls below the
programmed level or set point.
Normally Energized relays are typically used for Fail Safe operation. In normal
operation and below alarm levels the relays are active and energized. The relays
are De-Energized when the gas Concentration reaches to or above the alarm level
or set point. Normally Energized relay configuration is selected when dry contacts
are used to power the solenoid valves in normal operation and to cut off power to
the solenoid once an alarm condition occurs.
Wireless Gas Detection
Page 19