Do not operate this pump at any pressure, flow rate, or
liquid temperature other than those for which the pump
was originally purchased. Do not pump any other liquid
than the one for which the pump was originally
Before starting disassembly of the pump, it is
recommended that a spare parts kit as described on
page 7 be obtained. Peerless Pump Company does not
recommend reuse of gaskets, O-rings, mechanical
seals, or ball bearings.
Shut down pump. Disconnect power to the pump driver
before starting any repairs. Refer to Bulletin No.
2880549 for procedure to follow .
1-1. Disengage the coupling halves. Refer to the
coupling manufacturers’ instructions.
1-2. PUMP (See Figure 1.) Disassemble pump to the
extent required as follows:
a. Remove all cap screws from the upper casing (1B)
and from the bearings (16 & 18).
b. Attach hoist to customer-furnished eyebolt in upper
casing. Use eyebolt to lift uppercasing only. Eyebolt
must have 1/2 – 13 UNC external thread.
c. Place slings around the shaft near the bearings and
lift-rotating element from lower casing (1A).
d. Place rotating element in a convenient work place.
Purchased without the consent of Peerless Pump
Company or its authorized representatives. Disregard of
this warning can result in pump failure and serious
personal injury or death.
1-3. ROTATING ELEMENT. Disassemble in the
following manner:
a. Loosen set screws and remove the coupling half. Tap
from the back of the hub or use a puller. Remove
coupling key (46).
b. Loosen set screws holding the inner race of the
bearings to the shaft and remove bearings (16 & 18).
c. Remove the glands (17) including the gland O-rings
(119B) and the stationary seal seats (65).
d. Remove the mechanical seal rotating elements (80).
e. Remove casing rings (7). On many pumps this may
be done before removing the coupling half.
f. Remove impeller retaining rings (2A), impeller (2), and
impeller key (32) from shaft (6).
1-4. CLEANING. Clean all metal parts (except bearings)
with a solvent. Use a bristle brush (NOT metal or wire) to
remove tightly adhering deposits. A fiber scraper may be
used to remove the gasket from casing flanges. Blow dry
with clean dry compressed air. Peerless Pump Company
does not recommend reuse of ball bearings.