4.4.3. Sweeping mode:
* Press
-key to
set sweeping mode. Set the value as 0, the character “linear” will be lighted, and
the sweeping mode now is linearity. Set the value as 1, the character “log” will be lighted, to select
logarithm mode.
* Under linearity sweeping mode, the frequency step is fixed, but a fixed frequency step always does a bad
effect when sweeping comparatively wide-range frequency.
* In that case, the resolution is high when sweeping high end of frequency, the frequency changes slowly,
and the sweeping is fine.
* But the resolution is low when sweeping the low end of frequency, the frequency changes very quickly,
the sweeping is rough.
* So linearity sweeping is applicable only for sweeping with narrow frequency range.
* Under logarithm sweeping mode, the frequency step value is not fixed but changes according to logarithm
* When sweeping the high end of frequency, the frequency step value is comparatively large; when
sweeping the low end of frequency, the frequency step value is comparatively small.
* The frequency change is comparatively average for sweeping with wide frequency range.
* So logarithm sweeping is applicable for sweeping with wide frequency range.
4.4.4 Trigger sweeping:
When continuous sweep, the generator uses internal continuous trigger source, and the sweep runs
continuously and repeatedly. Press
key to light “trig” keyboard indicator, and the sweep will end
when reaching to the end point, then each time you press
key, the sweep runs once and then
stops at the start frequency waiting for the next trigger.
External trigger is also available.
Input TTL trigger signal into the
Trig In
port on the rear panel.
The sweep runs once at the rising edge of each trigger signal. Of course, the period of trigger signal
should be larger than the sweep time set.
In trigger sweep, press
key, the “trig” keyboard indicator will be off and the generator resumes
to continuous sweep mode.
4.4.5. Sync output:
During frequency sweeping, the “Sync” port on the front panel output a sync signal.
* A sync signal is a pulse wave signal with TTL level, of which the rising edge of the pulse is match along
with the start point of the sweeping, and the falling edge is match along with the middle point of the
sweeping area, the period of the pulse wave is the same with sweeping time.