PCAN-MiniDisplay – User Manual
Defines the value of the variable when the "timeout" event occurs
on page 58). This value is calculated with the "scale"
and "offset" parameters. If no "timeoutval" is defined, the variable
value is set to 0.
The name refers to the respective [enumX] (max. 23 characters).
Example of a Variable
messagename="testmessage1" // Name of the message
position=8,16 // Start bit and bit length
byteorder=1 // 0: Intel, 1: Motorola
scale=1.5 // Value=raw * scale + offset
offset=0 // Always float type
vartype=0 // Type of the incoming CAN data:
// 0: unsigned, 1: signed, 2: float, 4: string
minval=3 // Lower limit is 3
maxval=99999 // Any value > 99999 is set to 99999
datatype=1 // Type of the CAN data after scale & offset:
// 0: unsigned, 1: signed, 2: float,
// 4: string, 5: enum