Installation and Operating Handbook
Section 3
This section gives a basic overview of the redundancy system with regards to this PBU2000 unit.
The PBU2000 unit interface with the Peak CAN bus™ redundancy system for 1 for 1, 1 for 2 and 1 for N
redundancy systems.
1 for 1 Redundancy
For 1 for 1 switched redundant operation, a pair of PBU2000 units are required along with an T1000HR(Ka)
(or equivalent) for redundancy applications. In use, the redundancy type on the PBU2000 units is set to 1 for
1, one unit is set to identifier ’A’ and the other to identifier ’B’. The T1000HR(Ka) units are connected to the
PBU2000 ’redundancy’ connectors with the supplied cables, the units will self detect and automatically set one
unit to online and the other to standby / offline.
When an alarm is detected in the online unit, the this will result in the configuration of the online unit being
adopted by the standby and then the standby will be switched to the RF path, becoming the online unit.
The standby unit can be made to go online by the changeover option via one of the remote interfaces.
1 for 2 Redundancy
For 2 for 1 switched redundant operation a trio of PBU2000 units are required along with an T2000HR(Ka) (or
equivalent) for redundancy applications. In use, the redundancy type on the PBU2000 units is set to 2+1, one
unit is set to identifier ’A’, the second to identifier ’B’ and the third to ’Standby’. The T2000HR(Ka) units are
connected to the ’redundancy’ connectors with the supplied cables and the units self detect. A changeover will
be caused by an alarm detected in an online unit or changeover, via a remote interface has been initiated, this
will result in the configuration of the online unit being adopted by the standby unit and then the standby will be
switched to the RF path, becoming an online unit. Priority can be set on paths A and B, so that if there is a
second failure the higher priority path will remain operational, if both units are set to priority 1 then this function
will be ignored. A larger priority number equates to a higher priority.
1 for N Redundancy
For 3+1 to 8+1 switched redundant operation the RCU1000 series of redundancy units are available (see
appropriate data sheet for specification).
Peak Communications Ltd.