Manual for STAR 2000 FP
1.1.2 User Verification
Verification occurs when a user either enters an ID number or
places a finger in the fingerprint sensor, then input password for
comparison with the stored template.
1.1.3 Match Threshold Levels
The Match Threshold is a number that represents the degree to
which a verification is examined to ensure that the person is the
person claimed.
The Match Threshold Levels establishes a balance between
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR). FAR
measures how often a non-authorized user is falsely recognized and
granted access to the system. FRR measures how often an enrolled
and authorized user, who should be granted access to the system, is
denied on the basis that the system did not recognize him.
You can set match threshold levels on a per-use basis. For the
fingerprint verification is difficult, you can adopt ID & Fingerprint
verification (match one to one).
Raising the threshold increases security, while lowering it
increases throughout. The correct balance is essential.
For users with worn or damaged fingers, match threshold levels
can (and should) be reduced.
Different sites have different requirements.
Suggested Match Threshold Settings
FRR FAR One-to-many One-to-one
High Low 45 25
Middle Middle 35 15