Manual for STAR 2000 FP
Note: Where system memory permits, it is advisable to have at
least two fingers enrolled for a long-term user.
2.4 Verifying Your Identity
The workers used Fingerprint T&A to verify their identity. The
system defaults to three ways of verification: Fingerprint verification,
Password verification, ID number & Fingerprint. The following
2.4.1 Fingerprint Verification
Place the finger on the sensor surface, the following appears:
It continues for about 0.5 seconds. If the test is successful, it will
say “Thank you”, the following appears:
If your identity cannot be verified, you are prompted to try again,
the following appears:
FP Verify
Please Move Finger
FP Verify
Enroll No 00008
FP Verify
Place Finger Agn