Cyclone Automated Control Package
4.5.5 erase_all_cyclone_images
function erase_all_cyclone_images(cyclonepromaxhandle :
longword) : boolean;
bool erase_all_cyclone_images(unsigned long
bool erase_all_cyclone_images(UInt32 cyclonepromaxhandle);
Erases all images stored on the selected media type. (Cyclone internal
Flash or external memory card) This function should not be constantly
called, as this will shorten the lifespan of the non-volatile flash memory. It
is recommended that the user make use of the “compare_image_with_file”
function first to determine if an erase is indeed necessary. (e.g. if the
images on the Cyclone unit do not match the latest images on a server)
The handle of the Cyclone unit that will
have its images erased
True if the erasure was successful
False otherwise