© PCE Instruments
Graphical part of the main interface
The red curve shows the temperature curve.
The green curve shows the temporal course of the air humidity.
The yellow curve shows the course of the dew point temperature.
The vertical axes show the values for temperature and relative humidity.
The horizontal axes show the value for date and time.
The vertical yellow line marks the value at a certain time. It appears when you tap a part of
the curve. The line can be moved with "<<" or ">>".
Digital part of the main interface
"Temperature" shows the value of the temperature.
"Humidity" shows the value of the air humidity.
"Dew Point" shows the value of the dew point temperature.
By touching one of the three circles, you can access the large display of the current values.
Main menu
By clicking on the menu icon (top right in the main interface), you can access the menu interface.