Brighten Your Digital View!
IP Out Switch:
Enable or Disable the IP output
select the source for the IP output in the drop-down list
select UDP or RTP protocol for the IP output
TS Pkts Per UDP:
select the number of TS packets that can be carried by each UDP packet
Time To Live:
set TTL to the output IP packets
Type of Service:
select the service type for the outputted IP streaming
Uni/Multi IP Address:
set the unicast or multicast IP address for the output IP streaming
Uni/Multi UDP Port:
set the port number, valid range from 1~65535
ProMPEG FEC Switch:
Enable or Disable the ProMPEG FEC Gigabit In
Under full-duplex operation mode, the device supports single uni/multicast reception. Set the
uni/multicast target IP address and port number in the page.