The Patton 3042 (CTS TDM-V.24) is a Full Duplex, RS-232, Two Channel,
Time Division Multiplexor with an independent switch selectable V.14/V.22
compliant Asynchronous to Synchronous Interface adapter on sub-chan-
nel 1. The composite channel is designed to interface directly with a high
speed synchronous MODEM via a straight through cable. The unit oper-
ates by sequentially selecting a bit of data from each sub-channel then
multiplexing it onto the composite channel. Each sub-channel will operate
at 1/2 of the composite channel rate. Standard DB-25 female connectors
are provided on all sub-channels as well as the composite channel.
Power is provided by an external transformer connected through J1
(Power) on the rear of the unit. This external power transformer has UL
and CSA approvals.
One LED indicator on the front of the unit indicates power is applied to
the unit and should be on at all times. The other indication on the front
labeled SYNC indicates the two 3042 (CTS TDM-V.24) units are in sysnc
with each other and data transmission is possible.
Three DB-25 Female Connectors are provided on the rear panel for con-
nection to a MODEM on the composite port (J2) and two Terminals.
Channel 1 (J3) can be optioned for synchronous or asynchronous opera-
tion. Channel 2 (J4) can be operated only as a synchronous channel.
Channel 1 must be optioned the same on both ends of the circuit for the
multiplexor to function properly.
Figure 1.
Typical Application
Host Processor
Sync or Async