Setup - Night Grade
Setup - Video Duration
Night Grade
a. In the SET UP Menu, select “
Night Grade
” and press the
Confirm/Menu button.
b. There are three options to select from:
1. High
2. Medium
3. Low
c. Select the setting you prefer and press the Confirm/Menu
d. Press the Playback button to return to the previous menu.
Night grade refers to the sensitivity of the night vision
recording while the infrared switch is in auto mode. The higher
the setting the more easily the camera will turn on night vision
recording, and the lower the setting the darker it will become
before night vision recording turns on.
Video Duration
a. In the SET UP Menu, select “
Video Duration
” and press the
Confirm/Menu button.
b. There are four options to select from:
1. 5 minutes
2. 10 minutes
3. 15 minutes
4. 30 minutes
c. Select the time interval you prefer and press the
Confirm/Menu button.
d. Press the Playback button to return to the previous menu.