Do not supply an electric fence from two units.
Do not allow electrified wires from two units on the same
or adjacent properties to be less than 8' (2.5 m) apart.
Do not place the unit's ground rod within 33' (10 m) of
any part of a power supply ground system or
telecommunications ground system.
Do not run electric fence wires above or close to
overhead power or communication lines.
A warning sign shall be fitted to every point where persons
may gain ready access to the conductors.
Where an electric animal fence crosses a public pathway, a
non-electrified gate shall be incorporated in the electric
animal fence at that point or a crossing by means of stiles
shall be provided. At any such crossing, the adjacent
electrified wires shall carry warning signs.
Any part of an electric animal fence that is installed along a
public road or pathway shall be identified at frequent
intervals by warning signs securely fastened to the fence
posts or firmly clamped to the fence wires.
The size of the warning sign shall be at least 4x8"
(100x200 mm).