Battery information
Use a 6 V/12 V rechargeable lead-acid battery.
Do not dispose of the battery in a land-fill or in a fire.
In the event of a spill or leakage from a lead-acid battery:
Contain small spills with dry sand, earth and vermiculite. Do not use
combustible materials. If possible, carefully neutralise spilled acid with soda
ash, sodium bicarbonate, lime, etc.
Wear acid-resistant clothing, boots, gloves and a face shield.
Do not let acid get into the sewerage system.
Neutralised acid must be managed in accordance with approved local, state
and federal requirements. Consult your state environmental agency and/or
federal EPA.
Battery charging
Do not attempt to recharge a non-rechargeable battery.
When recharging a battery, ensure that there is adequate ventilation to
allow gases to disperse.
The battery must be disconnected from the unit before connecting it to a
battery charger.
Regular recharging of the battery is essential. Use a suitably rated battery charger
and refer to the battery manufacturer’s recommendations.
Building an electric fence
This product has been designed for use with electric animal fences.
For information about building an electric fence, refer to the Patriot website