Clothing or other flammable materials should not be hung from the heater or placed
near the heater while in operation.
Installation and repair of the heater should be done by a qualified service person.
The heater should be visually inspected before each use and at least annually by a
qualified service person. Certain weather conditions such as being near the ocean, dusty
areas, areas with high humidity, areas with high wind conditions, and heavy use, may
require more frequent cleaning or maintenance. When in doubt call a qualified service
person. It is imperative that the control compartment, burner system, and circulating air
passages of the heater be kept clean.
ny part or component removed for cleaning or maintenance must be properly re-
installed before using the heater.
Some basic maintenance instructions:
Be sure to keep the area where the appliance is being used free from combustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable materials.
Please be sure there are no obstructions near the heater head.
Please be sure there is no debris or other obstructions near the cylindrical propane
cylinder enclosure.
The appliance is operating properly when there is a nice cherry red glow (seen better at
night) coming from the emitter grid starting two to three inches from the bottom of the
emitter grid. Wind gusts will affect the glow and flame pattern. The heater should not be
operated in windy conditions. If you can protect the heater from wind gusts it will operate
far more efficiently. Operating the unit in severe wind or dusty conditions will affect the
burning characteristics, may create soot on the emitter grid and burner, and possibly clog
the pilot or main burner orifices.
The heater may be cleaned with basic soap and water and mild household cleaning
products, car wax, or commercially available
stainless steel cleaners.
Never attempt to clear the emitter grid radiant with any cleaning solutions. Never hit this
area with water or other liquids as it will damage the radiant, burner, valve, and ignition
system. These parts are constructed of commercial quality stainless steel and brass and
require no maintenance