Installer’s Guide
All Pathport nodes are designed for indoor use in a dry
location. To maximize equipment life and minimize unreli-
ability and sudden failure, the following environment
should be maintained:
ambient temperature extremes: -10 to +50 degrees C
operating temperature: 0 to +40 degrees C
relative humidity: 10 – 95%, non-condensing
general conditions: clean, dust-free
The Portable Uno may be powered using Power-over-
Ethernet or a 24VDC supply with a 2.5mm center-positive
barrel connector.
To attached the hanging bracket (included), remove the
top two screws from either end of the portable enclosure
(four screws altogether), position the hanging bracket
over the top of the enclosure, then use the same screws
to attach the bracket to the enclosure.
The hanging bracket has a 1/2” (12.5mm) hole suitable
for a C-Clamp or other hanger (not included).
All C-series, D-series and R-series nodes, Pathport
eDINS and Unos shipped since mid-2010, may be con-
nected to an external power supply, when Power-over-
Ethernet is not available. Each node will require a supply
between 18 and 50VDC and consume no more than 4
watts of power.
With the power supply turned off, connect the bare wire
ends to the 2-wire terminal block (included). Slip the
block over the pins marked V+ and V-, observing polarity.
On C- and D-series nodes and Uno nodes, these pins are
mounted on the circuit board. On the Pathport eDIN, use
the terminal block marked for Power In, and use the V+
and V- positions. Observe polarity.
Check all wiring, then connect the power supply to the
mains power. Pathway does not provide external local
power supplies. The AC connection required should be
provided in accordance with local regulations.
The Pathport Touring Edition operates on Power-over-
Ethernet during normal operation, but may be configured
using power from a 9V battery (included).
Once connected to a PoE source, the Pathport Touring
Edition is ready for use.
PATHPORT OCTO (6401, 6402, 6403, 6406, 6407)
The Pathport Octo will only operate on wall power, ac-
cepting an input voltage between 85-250VAC at either 50
or 60 Hz. The AC outlet shall be near the equipment and
shall be easily accessible. There is no on/off switch. This
equipment relies on building installation overcurrent pro-
Once powered up, the Pathport Octo is ready for use.
The Pathport Octo is designed for installation in a
standard EIA 19” rack, with the LCD and encoder facing
out. Attach the rack ears (included) to either side of the
enclosure using the Phillips screws provided (two per
ear). Attach the Pathport Octo to the rack using standard
rack screws (not included).
Wall and truss mount adapters are available as acces-
The Pathport VIA will only operate on wall power, ac-
cepting an input voltage between 85-250VAC at either 50
or 60 Hz. The AC outlet shall be near the equipment and
shall be easily accessible. There is no on/off switch. This
PATHPORT QUATTRO (6311, 6312, 6316)
The Pathport Quattro operates on Power-over-Ethernet
or an auxiliary 24VDC supply with a 2.5mm center-
positive barrel connector (supply not included).
Once powered up, the Pathport Quattro is ready for
use. There is no on/off switch.
The Pathport Quattro is designed for installation in a
standard EIA 19” rack, with the LCD and encoder facing
out. Attach the rack ears (included) to either side of the
enclosure using the Phillips screws provided (two per
ear). Attach the Pathport Quattro to the rack using stand-
ard rack screws (not included).
A joiner is included to allow two Quattros to be installed
side-by-side in 1RU of rack space. Wall and truss mount
adapters are available as accessories.
equipment relies on building installation overcurrent pro-
Once powered up, the Pathport VIA is ready for use.
The Pathport VIA is designed for installation in a stand-
ard EIA 19” rack, with the LCD and encoder facing out.
Attach the rack ears (included) to either side of the enclo-
sure using the Phillips screws provided (two per ear). At-
tach the Pathport VIA to the rack using standard rack
screws (not included).
Wall and truss mount adapters are available as acces-
Except for the IEC chassis plug marked for AC input on
the Pathport Quattro, the Pathport Octo and the Pathport
VIA, all ports on all Pathport Nodes are to receive low
voltages only.
All ports intended for DMX or other EIA485 signals
shall not be connected to anything other than low voltage
signal sources or receivers.
Attaching anything other than low voltage sources to
the data ports may result in severe equipment damage,
and personal injury or death.
Pathport configuration is done with Pathport Manager 5
software or through the front panel user interface on
some models. Please refer to the Pathport Manager
manual, or the individual model’s manual, for instructions
on device configuration.