Pre-Operation Inspection and Calibration Verification
© PAT Revision E // SB // 09/03/02
6 Pre-Operation Inspection and Calibration Verification
Before operating the crane, the following electrical connections must be checked to
ensure that the system is properly connected for the crane configuration.
Check that the weight of the anti two-block switch is properly installed on the main hoist
load line. The hoist line runs through the A2B weight. With even parts of hoisting line, the
weight must be attached to the dead-end line. With odd parts of hoisting line, the weight is
attached to the line of lowest speed.
After the electrical connections have been checked to ensure that the system is properly
connected for the crane configuration, the following checks must be made:
Check the electrical wiring connecting the various parts of the system for physical
Check the anti two-block switch and weight for free movement.
Check the spring-loaded cable reel to be sure it is free to rotate, has tension and the cable
is reeled properly.
The following tests shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the
machine or injury to personnel. Proper functioning of the system requires
successful completion of these tests before operating the machine.
If the operator cannot see the load handling device approaching the boom nose, an
assistant (signal person) must watch the load handling device. The operator shall be
prepared to stop the machine immediately should the LMI system not function properly as
indicated by lighting the red warning light (4), sounding the audible alarm (12) and locking
the crane movements, hoist up, telescope out and boom down. (See page 6 for location of
these components on the display)