User Manual IK 150 / 0031 e
© 1997 PAT GmbH · D-76275 Ettlingen · Hertzstr. 32 - 34 ·
++49 (0) 7243 709-0 · FAX ++49 (0) 7243 709-222 · Email: [email protected]
50 / 150 / 19_0031E.DOC / 19.03.1997 / Rev. C / rk.
a) when extending or retracting the outriggers (changing over to high or little load moment);
b) when changing the boom length by:
- extending or retracting (telescoping) manually;
- mounting or dismounting intermediary parts;
c) when slewing or pivoting the crane to the range of greater or smaller stability moment (changing over to high or lit-
tle load moment);
d) when passing into another load capacity range by several parts of line in the cables of the hoist or boom hoist unit.
6. It must be strictly pointed out that due to wrong operation of the crane it might not be possible for the safe load indi-
cator to respond or resp. that the engine might not be cut off quickly enough. In this case you cannot exclude an ac-
cident inspite of a safe load indicator installed.
In particular, this applies to:
- underhooking the load or the load handling accessories;
- excessive retardation forces,
- loads falling into the line,
- diagonal pull,
- moving the crane to an area of higher gradient,
- yielding ground,
- wind pressure.
If there is a device available to switch off or bridge the safe load indicator (load moment limiting system), it must only
be used with regard to special measures of precaution and in presence of the crane superintendence, for instance
when testing the crane and for special applications provided for by the crane manufacturer. The safe load indicator
must not be switched off or bridged operationally under no circumstances in order to lift loads which exceed the re-
spectively admissible loading capacity of the crane.
Careful observance of the regulations contained in this instructional pamphlet and in the operating
instructions of the crane manufacturer is the precondition for the safe function of the safe load indi-
cator (overload cut-off device).
In all cases of doubt consult the operating instructions of the manufacturer. Should this be not suffi-
cient, it is necessary to inquire at the company concerned.
Unauthorized interventions in the mechanism of the safe load indicator will void the warranty.
VDMA Fachgemeinschaft für Hebezeuge und Fördermittel
im Verein Deutscher Maschinenbau Anstalten e.V.
Düsseldorf - Oberkassel