B l o o d P r e s s u r e S e n s o r
S a m p l e D a t a
Rotate the cuff as needed to position the white index line (labeled ARTERY) on
the cuff over the main artery (brachial artery) on the inside of your left arm.
Sit without crossing your legs. Relax. Rest your left elbow and forearm on a solid
surface with your palm facing upward. The cuff should be slightly lower than
your heart.
Partner 2 should press and hold the push-button release valve to make sure that
all of the air in the cuff has been released.
Collect Data
The patient should stay as still as possible during the blood pressure measure-
ment. Do not talk or move if possible.
Partner 2 should press “Start” to begin data collection and then he or she should
use the bulb to pump air into the cuff.
Monitor the pressure in the Digits display.
When the pressure reaches approximately 170 mmHg, partner 2 should stop
pumping and let go of the bulb.
When the cuff is deflated, press “Stop” to end data collection. After the measure-
ment is finished, release the remaining air in the cuff by pressing the push-button
release valve on the bulb and holding it for several seconds. You should be able
to hear air coming out of the cuff.
Sample Data
pump above
200 mmHg.
If there is serious dis-
comfort, deflate the
cuff and remove it.
: The pressure in the cuff will decrease automatically (at about 3 mmHg per
second) so the cuff will slowly deflate by itself in about a minute or so.
See “
on page 6 for informa-
tion about adjusting the
pressure release rate.