Hard Disks
Your computer has two IDE channels (Primary and Secondary) and each
channel can be installed with one or two devices (Master and Slave). Use
these items to configure each device on the IDE channel.
When configured, the following items are displayed:
– displays the type of hard disk drive (HDD) installed.
When set to Auto, indic ates that BIOS automatically determines
the hard disk drive’s characteristics.
– displays the capacity of the HDD in megabytes (M).
– indicates the number of cylinders that the HDD has. A
cylinder is the sum total of all tracks that are in the same location
on every disk surface.
– displays the number of heads in the HDD. A head is a
device that reads and writes data on the hard disk.
– displays the track where precompensation is
initiated. Precompensation is a feature whereby the H DD uses a
stronger magnetic field to write data in sectors that are closer to
the center of the disk. In CAV recording, in which the disk spins
at a constant speed, the sectors closest to the spindle are packed
tighter than the outer sectors.
– displays the location of the safe non-data area on a
hard disk that is used for parking the read/write head.
– displays the number of sectors available on the HDD.
A sector is the smallest unit of storage space on a disk.
– The MODE option is for IDE hard disk drives only.
MODE has four options Normal, LBA, Large, and Auto.
Set MODE to “NORMAL” for IDE hard disk drives smaller than 528
MB. Set MODE to “LBA” for IDE hard disk drives larger than 528
MB which support Logical Block Addressing mode. Set MODE to
“LARGE” for IDE hard disk drives larger than 528 MB that do not
support LBA mode. The LARGE type of drive is very uncommon and
can only be used under MS-DOS. Currently most IDE hard disk
drives over 528 MB support LBA mode. Set MODE to AUTO to
enable auto detection of your IDE hard disk drive during boot.