7300w² Monitor Instruction Manual
7. From the Expansion CONFIG screen, select the required
Expansion Box to be configured, e.g. “E:1 WW² EB 8A 8R” by
to highlight, then press
. Select “E:0#
Modbus Address” and press
. Change the number to 09 by
then press
8. Press
to return to the Expansion Config Menu.
9. Plug in the next box and select ADD EXPANSION and press
10. Follow the instructions from 4 to 6. The Modbus address will not need to be changed.
6.2.3 Expansion Box Config Menu
This configuration allows the user to view the Expansion Box Information, option to Delete the box or Change
it's Modbus address. The other features apply commonly to all the Output and Alarm channels where the
settings are used in the event of a communications failure. These options are explained below.
1. From the Expansion CONFIG screen, select the required Expansion Box to be configured, e.g. “E:1 WW²
EB 8A 8R” by pressing
to highlight, then press
2. Once selected, the CONFIG MENU will be displayed.
E:0# Info:
Displays information relating to the Expansion Box,
including Type, Serial number, Status and Modbus address.
E:0# Remove:
Select this option to remove an Expansion Box
from the monitor.
E:0# Modbus Address:
Use this option to change the Modbus
address of the Expansion Box. This may be necessary if
additional Expansion Boxes are attached. See 6.2.4.
E:0# Comm Fail Timeout:
Default setting – 5 seconds. If there is a failure in communication with the
monitor for the duration of 5 seconds, the analogue outputs and relays will default to their configured
“OUTPUT COMM FAIL” and “RELAY COMM FAIL” states as explained in the relevant Output and
Alarm sections.
E:0# Output Comm Fail:
This is the default condition the analogue outputs will be forced to in the
event of a communication error with the monitor. Condition options include 0mA, 4mA, 20mA or Hold
last good value.
E:0# Relay Comm Fail:
This is the default condition the relay outputs will be forced to in the event of
a communication error with the monitor. Condition options include Off (de-energised), On
(Energised) or Hold last good condition.
Where # represents the Expansion Box number as more than one Expansion Box can be configured.
6.2.4 Changing Expansion Modbus Address
All WaterWatch² Sensors and Expansion Boxes communicate with the monitor using the ModTechw²
Protocol. This protocol is a modified Modbus Protocol, and has been specifically developed to take
advantage of the advanced features and diagnostics designed into the w² range of sensors. The term
“Modbus Address” has been used as a generic term to describe the address of each Sensor and Expansion
Box on the ModTechw² network.
When configuring two or more of the same Expansion Boxes to a monitor, it is necessary to change
the address of the first Expansion Box before installing the next.
All sensors and Expansion Boxes have default addresses starting from address 10 to 240, leaving
addresses 1-9 free for user configuration. It is good practice to allocate Sensors 1-8 to Modbus
Address 1–8 and the first Expansion Box to Modbus Address 9.
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224081IM Issue 22 Issue Date 27/03/2018
Expansion Status
Add Expansion
E:1 WW² EB 8A 8R
E:1 Modbus Address
E:1 Modbus Stats
E:1 Comm Fail Timeout
E:1 Output Comm Fail
E:1 Relay Comm Fail
E:1 Info