Presentation of the Android HUD (photo mode view)
horizontal distance from pilot
Next available action
height relative to take-off point
Controller box (charge and GPS synch)
ground speed
box (charge and GPS synch)
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Speed (Film or
Soft shutter button
Sport) box
Photo/video toggle
& number of media
Piloting mode box
Photo settings box
Cineshots box
Photo mode box
’s p
hoto modes include a Single shot mode, a Burst mode, a Bracketing mode, a Timer
mode and a five-format Panorama mode.
The Android HUD of FreeFlight 6 displays strictly the same information, buttons, toggles, and
menus as the iOS HUD, in the same way
despite slight cosmetic differences.
Note that both GPS icons are green, on both screen captures (iOS and Android screen
. This means that the drone’s controller (S
kycontroller 3 or device) and
are both synchronized to enough GPS and Glonass satellites to optimize the
stability of the drone, especially at higher altitudes.
Parrot therefore recommends you always check both your FreeFlight 6
icons are green (and not red), before you make your
take off.