expiration date. Any repair left unpaid or unclaimed after 90 days will be
considered abandoned and will be disposed of accordingly. Please note:
non-warranty repair is only available on electronics and model engines.
United States:
Electronics and engines requiring inspection or repair should be shipped to the
following address:
Horizon Service Center
4105 Fieldstone Road
Champaign, Illinois 61822
All other products requiring warranty inspection or repair should be shipped to
the following address:
Horizon Support Team
4105 Fieldstone Road
Champaign, Illinois 61822
Please call 877-504-0233 or e-mail us at [email protected]
with any questions or concerns regarding this product or warranty.
United Kingdom:
Electronics and engines requiring inspection or repair should be shipped to one
of the following address:
Horizon Hobby UK
Units 1-4 Ployters Rd
Staple Tye
Harlow, Essex
CM18 7NS
United Kingdom
Please call +44 1279 641 097 or e-mail us at [email protected] with any
questions or concerns regarding this product or warranty.
Electronics and engines requiring inspection or repair should be shipped to one
of the following address:
Horizon Technischer Service
Otto Hahn Str. 9a
25337 Elmshorn
Please call +49 4121 46199 66 or e-mail us at [email protected] with
any questions or concerns regarding this product or warranty.