© 2014 - 2024 Parktron Technology Ltd.
[IN01] or [OUT01]: It could be INXX (entry terminal) or OUTXX (exit terminal), and
the XX indicates terminal with that “Machine SN” (refer to below section) will have
all configuration parameters underneath applied to it.
AreaID: ID of the parking area where the device located. (in IPMS2000 server
configuration: [Config] -> [Facility] -> the ID number next to parking area name)
MachineID: Need to match the device number in IPMS2000 server configuration.
([Config] -> [Device] -> Select the device)
ClientID: Need to match the communication ID in IPMS2000 server configuration
([Config] -> [Device] -> Select the device).
PlateServerIP: IP address to connect to License Plate Recognition program
integrated. Set 0 if LPR system is not integrated.
PlateServerPort: UDP port number to communicate with License Plate Recognition
program integrated. Set 0 if LPR system is not integrated.
PlateTimeout: Timeout setting for waiting LPR program reply.
LED888Type: Total space LED display type connected to the Terminal, currently only
has WinLED888 as an option item to install.
0:Disable. 1:WinLED 888
LED888Port: Serial port number on terminal that space counting LED display is
connected to (refer to below image).
HReaderPort: COM port number on terminal that hourly ticket reader is connected
to (refer to above image).
HReaderType: Card reader type of hourly parking.
0: none
1: Eltra
3: MF10R (normally for Chipcoin terminals)
4: DiMF10R (normally for Mifare IC card terminals)
5: TUP500 (normally for Barcode terminals)
SReaderPort: COM port number on terminal that season card reader is connected to
(refer to above image).
SReaderType: Card reader type of season parking.
0: none