192-011003N7 DOC-0001-01-B
11.12.23 11:39
7 (31)
This product contains materials that fall under the special disposal regulation from 2010,
which corresponds to the EC directory 2008/98/EC for dangerous disposal material. We
recommend to dispose of the respective materials in accordance with the respectively
valid environmental laws. The following table states the materials suitable for recycling
and the materials which have to be disposed of separately.
suitable for recycling Disposal
Circuit boards
Please dispose of the circuit boards according to one of the following methods:
Burning at high temperatures (at least 1200°C) in an incineration plant licensed in
accordance with part A or B of the environmental protection act.
Disposal via a technical waste dump which is allowed to take on electrolytic aluminium
condensers. Do under no circumstances dump the circuit boards at a place near a
normal waste dump.
If you do not wish to mount and install the device immediately, make sure to store it in a
dry and clean environment. Make sure that the device is not stored near strong heat
sources and that no metal chippings can get into the device.
For Safety Use
In this chapter you can read about:
Explanation of the safety instructions .......................................................................................... 7
Working safely / qualification ...................................................................................................... 8
General hazards ......................................................................................................................... 8
Special dangers .......................................................................................................................... 8
Cautionary Markings ................................................................................................................... 9
Responsibility ........................................................................................................................... 10
Explanation of the safety instructions
Indicates a potential risk that may result in death or severe injury.
Indicates a potential medium risk with that may result in death or severe injury.
Indicates a potential low risk with that may result in minor or moderate injury.
Alerts you to situations that may damage this product or other products.