Appendix A
T u n i n g
In this appendix:
• Servo control terminology
• Servo control techniques
• Servo tuning procedures
(These procedures are based on empirical techniques. If you are using Servo
Tuner™, refer to the
Servo Tuner User Guide for instructions.)
You should tune the OEM6250 before attempting to execute any motion
functions. At a minimum, complete this chapter’s
Tuning Setup Procedure and
Controller Tuning Procedures until you have found a proportional feedback gain that can
give a stable response for your system. (The
Drive Tuning Procedure below is for use
with velocity drive systems only.) Then you can proceed to execute your motion
functions. To gain a full understanding of tuning, you should read through this entire
appendix and follow its procedures to ensure your system is properly tuned.
Servo Tuning Software Available
To effectively tune the OEM6250 (and any velocity drives you may be using), use the
interactive tuning features in the Servo Tuner™. It greatly improves your efficiency and
gives you powerful graphical tools to measure the performance of the system.
Servo Tuner is included as an integral element of Motion Builder™, an optional icon-
based programming tool. Servo Tuner is also available as an optional add-on module to
Motion Architect (it does not automatically come with the basic Motion Architect
software package). Instructions for using Servo Tuner are provided in the
Servo Tuner
User Guide and in Motion Builder’s online Help system and Motion Builder Startup Guide
& Tutorial.
To order Motion Builder or the Servo Tuner add-on module to Motion Architect, contact
your local Automation Technology Center (ATC) or distributor.
Axis 1 Comm Pos (counts)
Axis 1 Comm Pos (counts)
Time (millisec)
Time (millisec)