32 - PVD 3661 MGV_ commisionning manual_March 2012.docx
Cables and connectors associated to the resolver
Cable reference for DIGIVEX
CD1UA1F1R0xxx depending on length
Cable reference for AC 890 drive: CS4UA1F1R0xxx depending on length.
The "xxx" in the part number must be replaced by the length in meter.
Ex : for 20m cable, "xxx" = 020.
Resolver connector reference for seat, pins to be soldered: 220065R4621
Resolver straight seat reference, pins to be crimped: 220132P1020
During the setting procedure, it is strictly necessary to respect the 3 following conditions:
Resolver setting
The rotor must be able to rotate freely. The maximum friction torque on the rotor must not exceed 1% of
the motor permanent torque.
The cooling circuit has to be in use.
The operator must be able to reach the resolver stator and to manually turn it and lock it (access to the
locking screws).
Look at the drive instruction manual for the setting procedure details.
1V~, 250Khz max
Sin-Cos Encoder (on request)
As the encoder is not absolute on one turn, the setting is lost at each power OFF. You must either
set the encoder at each power ON or keep alive the low power supplies.
The advantage of the sin-cos encoder is the excellent accuracy that allows very good power, speed and position
4.1. Reception, handling, storage
All the high-speed motors are strictly controlled during manufacturing, before shipping.
Equipment delivery
While receiving it, it is necessary to verify motor condition and if it has not been damaged in transit. Remove it
carefully from its packaging. Verify that the data written on the label are the same as the ones on the
acknowledgement of order, and that all documents or needed accessories for user are present in the packaging.
Warning : In case of damaged material during the transport, the recipient must
make reservations to the carrier through a registered mail within 24 h.
The high-speed motors are equipped with 2 lifting rings for handling.
Only use the lifting rings the high-speed motors are equipped with for handling
operations. Never use cables, connectors, input/output of cooling circuit, or any other
inappropriate lifting device.