I/O interface description
GVI Product Manual: Frames C, D & E
192-300300N1 GVI Frames C, D & E 2019-9
8.11 Sensor Supply Output
8.11.1. Function
Supply for external motor speed sensors and for analog inputs. The sensor supply output current is
monitored in order to detect if a load is connected. SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND pin shall be used for ground
8.11.2. Protection
Sensor supply output is over current protected with a hermal shut down and protected against accidental
connection to B+ with a diode.
8.11.3. Circuit
Figure 25 Schematic of the Sensor Supply Output circuit
8.12 Sensor Supply GND
8.12.1. Function
Do not use this GND connection for units supplied from B+ or other sources.
Ground Reference for analog sensors and sensors supplied from SENSOR SUPPLY output, i.e.
potentiometers and Speed Sensor.
In sleep mode, the external sensors supply current consumption will be reduced by disconnecting the
SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND pin from the ground reference.
The diode from the SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND will protect the sensor supply load from reverse
polarity when the SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND disconnects the load ground reference in Sleep