DOC-0017-10-EN: AC20 Series PROFINET IO Option
44 (47)
DOC-0017-10-EN-B 04.04.2023
APPENDIX C: Setting IP-Address via Anybus IPCONFIG
Use the IPCONFIG tool from HMS to search and set slave IP Addresses. The Anybus IPCONFIG utility can
be downloaded free of charge from the HMS website. This utility may be used to configure the network
settings of any Anybus product connected to the network.
On starting the program, the network is scanned for Anybus products. The network can be rescanned at
any time by clicking ‘Scan’.
In the list of detected devices, double-click on the entry in the list. A window will appear, containing the IP
configuration and password settings. Validate the new settings by clicking ‘Set’, or click ‘Cancel’ to abort