DOC-0017-10-EN: AC20 Series PROFINET IO Option
38 (47)
DOC-0017-10-EN-B 04.04.2023
12 Lost Communication Trip
Supervised Parameter:
0777 Comms Supervised
parameter indicates that the PROFINET network participation is supervised
by another PROFINET device.
The Supervised parameter value is set to TRUE when one or more IO connections have been opened are
The Supervised parameter will subsequently change to FALSE if the connection is closed or the
PROFINET watchdog has timed out.
Comms Break Trip
The drive will trip when there is a loss of communications between the master and the drive.
A COMMS BREAK trip will occur if the
0777 Comms Supervised
parameter transitions from TRUE to
FALSE and the drive is in the operational state.
The trip may be disabled by clearing the respective bit in the parameter
0870 Enable Trips Lo
. The
parameter Enable Trip Lo is a 32-bit word, the bit number 27 is used to disable or to enable the trip.
Comms state
The parameter
0774 Comms State
indicates ‘PROCESS_ACTIVE’ when the PROFINET communication is
active. The table below describes how the comms state relates to the PROFINET network:
Comms State
The slave stays in this state until an IO connection with an IO controller is opened.
Duplicate IP address detected, communication lost, Configuration data mismatch
or initial parameter error
PROCESS_ACTIVE IO Connection established
IO controller with which an IO connection is established is in STOP mode
Unexpected error: turn module status LED red, to indicate major fault, turn network
status LED off and hold Ethernet MAC in reset