Surround Speaker Location
Your Nomad speakers are superb for surround sound. There is a lot of flexibility in locating your
Nomad speakers for surround sound. They should be placed where you cannot localize the sound they
reproduce. Rather, they should give you a feeling of sonic envelopment--as if you are there. You don’t
necessarily need to aim the surround speakers at the listening position. You may want to try aiming them
at the wall or even the ceiling to increase reflected sound to help diminish image localization. Expect
some experimentation with surround speaker placement to yield the best results.
Outdoor Location Considerations
Nomad speakers are designed to resist most weather conditions with minimal sonic deterioration.
However, please observe these precautions to extend their life.
1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight to prevent the speaker being subjected to heat and ultraviolet
radiation. Direct sunlight will eventually dry out the materials in the speaker drivers and fade the
pigments in the paint finish.
2. Avoid extended exposure to salt air to prevent the speaker being subjected to its extremely
corrosive effects. If you live near the coast, locate your speakers so you can easily disconnect them,
clean them off with clear water and store them inside when not in use. Speakers showing evidence of
extended exposure to salt air or salt water corrosion are not covered under warranty.
3. Never locate your speakers directly on the ground where they can sit in a pool of water. This will
eventually break down the rust treatment and damage the cabinet. If you must place them near the
ground, place something underneath them to raise them above puddles.
4. Never submerge the speakers or attempt to use them underwater. Not only will this seriously damage
the speakers, but you will expose yourself to the risk of electrocution.
5. Do not locate the speaker near any heat source such as an exposed radiator or heating duct.
Nomad Three-Six Mounting Brackets
The mounting brackets included with your Nomad speakers are the safest way to secure the speakers so
they are out of reach of curious children or the unwanted attention of visitors. Position each bracket and
screw or bolt it into place before you mount the speaker to it. Make sure the hardware you use will
reliably support the weight of the speaker. Remove the small round sticker at both ends of the speakers
to expose the threaded holes. Gently slide the speaker into the bracket and screw the plastic knob
through the bracket and into the threaded hole in the end of each speaker one at a time. It's not necessary
to apply excessive force on the knobs to hold the speaker in place.
Nomad Ten Mounting Brackets
The unique stainless steel mounting brackets included with the Nomad Ten allow you to mount the
speaker in a variety of angles and positions.