General Information
The SDX2 high flow drain system is a dual-drain system designed and tested to safely deliver water
to modern high flow pumps.
Each Drain Addresses All Entrapment Hazards
Hair Entrapment Avoidance.
At the heart of the patented design is a cover that acts much like sixty
self-regulating drains. This is significant because as some of the ‘little’ drains are covered, exces-
sive suction does not transfer to the remaining openings. When excessive suction is transferred to
unblocked openings in a traditional drain grate, the suction causes hair to enter multiple openings,
creating a potential entrapment hazard if the hair tangles or puffs up inside the drain, making it
impossible to pull free.
Body Entrapment Avoidance.
The same self-regulating openings that protect against hair entrap-
ment hazards, also provides body entrapment protection. When the self-regulating openings built
into the SDX2 cover are combined with it’s domed, anti-vortex shape, forming a seal with the cover
is difficult.
The SDX2 cover is held firmly in place with three recessed security screws which are
made from top quality 316 Stainless Steel. And behind the SDX2 cover are at least three more
screws to hold the whole assembly in place, providing multiple layers of anti-entrapment protection.
Durability. The SDX2 cover and support materials are far more durable than ABS, the typical plastic
used in swimming pool drain covers. In addition to fading, the Buna in ABS is prone to UV degrada-
tion resulting in structural failures which contribute significantly to suction entrapment hazards.
Dual-Drain System
Vacuum Breaker Backup.
As with any dual-drain system, one drain is intended to be a vacuum
breaker for the other in the unlikely event a swimmer completely blocks one of the SDX2 drains. In
the event of one suction outlet is being completely blocked, the remaining suction outlets is capable
of the full fl ow of the pump(s).
Dual-Drain Spacing.
Most suction safety codes require dual-drains to be installed three feet apart,
pipe to pipe, however some codes require three feet between drain covers. For this reason, Dual
SDX2 piping is spaced three (3) feet, ten (10) inches apart. If the drains are located closer than 3
feet, the drains must be located on two different planes (i.e. one on the bottom and one on the verti-
cal wall, or one each on to separate vertical walls), to make it unlikely both drains could be blocked
Vertical Dual-Drain Installation.
The purpose of the vertical dual-drain installation is to make it
less likely two people can approach two drains at once. Effectively, the second drain would be at an
individual’s feet.
- Check the SDX2 drain cover, fittings and fasteners for damage or tampering
before installation and use.