The cone has a number stamped onto one
of the sides. Place the cone in the Kiln Sitter with
the number side down. That side is the strongest
of the three sides. Placing that side down lessens
the chance of the cone breaking as it bends.
Load the kiln for firing, placing the correct pyro-
metric cones behind each peephole. Keep all
ware and kiln shelves at least 1/2" away from the
sides, top and bottom of the end of the cone sup-
ports and actuating rod.
Keep the area outside the Kiln Sitter clear of ob-
jects that could interfere with the falling weight.
The Kiln Sitter weight must fall completely to
the bottom of the sitter to shut off the kiln.
Keep chairs, stools, and small loading ta-
bles away from the kiln. Many of these items are
the same height as the Kiln Sitter weight. It is
easy for someone to come by and move a stool or
small table up against the weight, which would
prevent it from dropping, thus causing an
Never set anything on top of the kiln or lean
anything against the kiln's switch box. We know
of cases where a kiln shelf leaning against the
Kiln Sitter prevented the weight from dropping
and caused an overfire. Leaning something
against the Kiln Sitter or bumping into it can also
move the guide plate out of alignment, prevent-
ing the actuating rod from dropping. This will
overfire the kiln.
Set the Limit Timer dial to the estimated firing
time plus 30 minutes. (This must be done before
the plunger will lock into position.)
Push in the plunger (the button on the front of
the Kiln Sitter).
Fire your ware. Occasionally check the pyromet-
ric witness cones through the peepholes.
Experienced kiln opera-
tors keep a small timer with
them as a reminder that the
kiln is firing. You could set the
alarm on a digital wristwatch
for the estimated firing time
less 20 minutes. Go back and
check the kiln when the alarm
sounds. Do not leave the kiln
unattended, especially near
the estimated shutoff time.
Leave the top peephole plug out during the
entire firing. This practice extends the life of the
Kiln Sitter tube by allowing moisture to exit the
kiln through the peephole instead of through the
tube. But if you use the Orton down-draft
KilnVent, keep all peephole plugs inserted
throughout the firing. Leave the KilnVent on
during firing and cooling. If you turn the
KilnVent off when the kiln fires to maturity,
Loading a cone into the Kiln Sitter requires two hands or a helper.
Set the Limit Timer.
Push in the plunger.
Set the alarm on a digi-
tal watch to remind
yourself that the kiln is