Using Your Modem
Issue 2 May 1995
The escape sequence character (+) and the escape guard
time are determined by the S2 and S12 registers,
respectively. To change these values, refer to the
descriptions of these S-Registers in Chapter 4.
For more information on Command and Data modes, see
page 3-2.
To return to Data mode from online Command mode, use the
O command, as follows:
PRESS: Enter
Viewing, Saving, and
Loading Modem Settings
Modem settings determine how the modem functions. These
settings are stored in two permanent memory areas, User
Profile 0 and User Profile 1.
When the modem is first turned on, the contents of one of the
two memory areas are retrieved into an area of memory known
as the Active Profile. (The &Y command determines which of
the two user profiles will be retrieved.) The Active Profile is
stored in volatile memory, which means that the contents of that
area are
not saved when the modem is powered off. If you make
changes to the modem’s configuration and then turn the modem
off without saving those changes, they are lost forever.
User Profile 0 and User Profile 1, however, are stored in
nonvolatile memory areas. Nonvolatile memory is saved even if
the modem is turned off. If your modem requires a particular
configuration to work with an application, then those options
should be set and saved to one of the two nonvolatile memory
areas using the &W command.