August 2001
TDM SDSL Port Cards Software Revision Level
The revision level of the software in an TDM SDSL port card must be P6.02.00 or
above for the 8774-B1, 8775-B2, or 8776-B1 unit to work properly with the POTS
splitter. (The P in the firmware revision level represents POTS. Firmware releases
not beginning with P are not compatible with POTS.) To determine the revision
level of the TDM SDSL card, access the user interface and follow this menu
selection sequence to display the Identity screen:
Main Menu
If you determine you require updated software, first download the software and
then use TFTP to download the software to the TDM SDSL termination unit.
To acquire the software:
1. Request access to the Paradyne World Wide Web Subscriber Download Page
from your customer support representative. The Paradyne Web site is
2. On the Download Page, locate and click on the download file for version
P6.02.00 or above. Save the file on your PC.
3. The file is compressed. Execute the file on your PC to expand it. This creates
a file with the suffix .ocd. Move the file, if necessary, to a directory accessible
to your TFTP server.
To download software from your TFTP server using the Download Code screen:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Download Code
2. Position the cursor in the Image File Name field. Type the name of the .ocd file
to be downloaded.
3. Position the cursor in the TFTP Server IP Address field. Type the IP address of
your TFTP server.
4. Position the cursor in the Immediately Apply Download field. Select Yes.
5. Position the cursor at the Start Transfer field. Use the spacebar to select Yes.
Press Enter.
6. When the data transfer is complete, the Transfer Status field changes to:
Completed successfully
For additional information, refer to the TDM SDSL Port Card user’s guide.