18. Do one of the following:
For Intel EtherExpress card configurations, reboot the system and continue with the
Installing eXceed 4 procedure.
For Token Ring card configurations:
Insert the diskette labeled 6800 Token Ring FFW Application into the
a: drive.
At the DOS prompt, type
copy /y a:\*.* c:\supertcp.
With a text editor, edit the c:\config.sys file changing the line:
Reboot the system and and continue with the Installing eXceed 4 procedure.
Installing eXceed 4
Before installing this software, verify that the hardware was configured properly to run eXceed 4
software. Verify that SuperTCP is properly installed. To install eXceed 4, perform the following
1. If Windows is not running, type win at the DOS prompt.
2. Insert the diskette labeled eXceed 4 DISK 1/11 into the a: drive.
3. Select
Run from the Program Manager’s File menu.
4. Type
a:\setup in the Run Dialog box and click on OK. The eXceed 4 - Setup dialog box
5. Click
on OK. A dialog box appears with Setup Type defaulted to Personal and Method
defaulted to Express.
6. Click
on OK. A dialog box appears requesting your home directory. The default is
7. Click
on OK. A dialog box appears requesting your user directory. The default is
8. Click
on OK. A dialog box appears saying “Winsock was detected. Would you like to
install additional transport interfaces?”
9. Click
on No. A dialog box appears with all setup options selected properly.
10. Click on Start. A dialog box appears requesting distribution diskette #2.