December 1996
This is a chip upgrade that includes an async/sync converter to support the Single-Port Async/Sync
feature, which also supports the same functionality as earlier versions of the 3600 Series DSU.
session disruptive
Application data may be disrupted when running a test, or running the test may cause the application
session to be dropped or terminated. The result depends upon the protocol, the front-end processor, the
time-out parameters, etc.
Diagnostic messages with a duration of .5 seconds or less that are sent over the primary data channel.
These messages may interrupt customer data, causing errors requiring retransmission of data blocks. They
should not, however, cause termination of the communication session.
Systems Network Architecture. A description of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operation
sequences that transmit information and that control the configuration and operation of an IBM network.
Service Profile Identifier. Local telephone company provides this information. Must be stored in DSU
permanent memory.
A device designed for desktop operation. A standalone device can be configured as either a control or a
standby mode
A DBM can be placed in standby mode to allow diagnostics nondisruptively.
switched mode
Used in networks containing only 3600 Series DSUs, it is a mode of operation using control mode idle
(CMI) and data mode idle (DMI) signaling in order to ensure protocol independence of primary data
while trapping diagnostic data in the DSU.
switched 56 kbps
digital service
A service provided by local exchange and interexchange carriers (LECs and IECs) that allow customers
to use high-speed switched digital data capability without having to subscribe to private network services.
System Controller
An NMS that uses the DATAPHONE II (DPII) protocol.
tail circuit
See extended network.
Time Division Multiplexer. A device that enables the simultaneous transmission of multiple independent
data streams into a single high-speed data stream by simultaneously sampling the independent data
streams and combining these samples to form the high-speed stream.
Test mode
A condition indicating the device is currently in Test, such as local loopback.
A process where two DSUs or modems try to establish a connection over the telephone line.
A device that receives commands from other devices in the network.
Transmit Data. Pin 2 of the EIA-232 interface that is used by the DTE to transmit data to the modem.
Conversely, the modem uses Pin 2 to receive data from the DTE.
Marks the demarcation line between the customer-provided equipment and the local telephone company.
Interface provides basic rate access.
Universal Service Ordering Codes. Generic telephone company service ordering codes.
Volts alternating current.
An ITU standard for full-duplex transmissions with asynchronous or synchronous data over dial or leased
telephone lines at rates up to 14.4 kbps.
An ITU standard for a high-speed, 34-position, DCE/DTE interface.