Subjec t to c hange without notic e
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The Super Panther III Dolly c an be operated on wide gauge (62 c m) trac ks and narrow gauge (36 c m)
trac ks. The wheel gauge is adapted to the trac k gauge (p. 12). All four kombi wheels are unloc ked
from the steering c hain before trac king (p. 12), otherwise the dolly c ould derail (espec ially on c urved
trac ks). If there is a high c olumn payload, the standard trac k wheels should be exc hanged with hard
trac k wheels. This will prevent possible damage to the standard trac k wheels and lower fric tional
resistanc e.
Always selec t wide gauge trac king when using jib arms or outriggers. Always observe load toleranc es
Ma i n t e na nc e
Maintenanc e should only be effec ted by trained personnel that is familiar with the Super Panther III
mec hanic s. The Super Panther III is, generally speaking, a maintenanc e-free dolly that will work soundly
and reliably.
In order to ensure a long life and c onstant quality, the spec ified servic ing intervals should be observed.
A c ompetent person should c hec k all elements relevant to safety and func tioning when the need
arises, but at least every 6 months, ac c ording to ZH 1/222 para. 3.2 or UVV VBG 70 §14/2, and
exc hange them if nec essary.
Following elements should be c hec ked regarding func tion and wear:
Spindle nut
free from play or little play (exc hange if needed, but at least
every 6
Drive belt
when lightly pressed approx. 10 mm
Pneumatic springs
approx. 700 N
Steel c ables
to be replac ed ac c ording to DIN 15020 part 2 (e. g. no kinks)
Please see our video tape "Servic e Instruc tions" for further information on c hec king/adjusting these
Chec k wheel leg attac hments and wheel leg adjustment levers for c orrec t loc king, and repair if
nec essary.
The motor brake toleranc e is 0.4 mm - adjust if nec essary.
Chec k battery voltage regularly. Battery c ells should be exc hanged approx. every 2 years.
Column guide runners and roller bearings should always be free of grease. They should be c leaned (e.
g. with alc ohol) after shooting has finished for the day.