The trim and lt bracket is pre-drilled with the marine industry standard BIA bolt hole pa ern. If your boat
already has the correct bolt hole pa ern drilled, you may proceed to Step 4. If new holes need to be made,
follow these steps:
1. Posi on the transom plate in the center of the transom. Check to make sure that the hole placement
will not interfere with any moldings, rivets, etc.
2. Once posi oned,use a punch to mark the hole loca on.
3. Using a 3/16 bit, drill a pilot hole in each loca on to make sure the holes are properly aligned and that
there will be no interference with the moun ng bolts. Then finish drilling the holes with a ½ inch drill
4. Before moun ng the unit, apply a bead of RTV silicone sealant around the edge of each hole to insure
a water ght seal.
5. To mount the trim & lt bracket to the transom, use four ½ inch diameter stainless steel bolts with
washers and nylon locking nuts. Start by placing a bolt with a washer into each of the upper
moun ng holes. S ck a piece of tape over the head of each bolt to hold them in place, then li the
unit up to the transom, align the bolts and slide the unit into place. Install the washers and the nuts
inside the boat. Do not ghten the nuts completely un l the lower bolts have been installed.
NOTE: To provide more clearance for installing the moun ng bolts, you may have to temporarily
connect the unit to a ba ery to run the bracket to an open posi on. This will make installing the upper
bolts easier.