82 Internet
Use Talk to chat with contacts via Google Talk.
from the Apps screen to open.
In Starter mode:
All Apps
To switch to another Google account, tap the account ID next to the Talk
icon and select a Google account.
Public Profile
Tap the account ID at the top of the friends list to change the availability
status, photo or status message.
To insert a photo, tap the figure image.
To change the availability status, tap the text next to the figure image.
To enter a status message, tap below the figure image.
Adding Friends
Add a friend to the friends list. Tap the figure icon
, enter a Gmail address,
and then tap
. A chat invitation is sent to the friend. After the friend
accepts the invitation, the friend appears in the friends list.
Chatting with Friends
While chatting, tap the menu icon
to use the following actions:
Add to chat
: Select this to invite a friend to the current chat.
Go off the record
: Chat histories are saved to the user’s Google account
for future reference. Select this to chat off the record.
End chat
: Select this to quit the chat.
Clear chat history
: Select this to delete the chat’s history.
Friend info
: Select this to view the chat friend’s information.
To quit all the chats, on the friends list, tap
End all chats