Pansat 3500SD C13 - C14
Capacitor Replacement Guide
There are several indications that you may need to replace the c13 and c14 capacitors in your 3500
receiver. The most common symptom is a sudden loss of picture reception and the QUALITY
reading constantly jumping anywhere between 0 and 99%.
Other symptoms reported have been loss of some stations along with numerous bad or scrambled
signal messages, constant pixalization of picture, and sudden low drop of Quality signal when
nothing else has been changed, etc. Note, while these last symptoms may indicate a capacitor
problem they can also be caused by other things.
As long as you are in the process you should replace both capacitors even if you think only one is
The process to replace is very simple and does not require any electrical knowledge other than how to
use a soldering iron.
What you need:
1) Two replacement capacitors with the value of 470uf16v or 470uf/35V*
Use two of the same value, do not mix values.
2) A soldering iron. (not a solder gun)
3) Electrical Solder. (Rosin Core Solder)
Phillips screwdriver.
Vacuum Desoldering Tool, Desoldering Bulb or Desoldering Braid.
Rosin Soldering Paste. (Flux)
Needle Nose Pliers.
Wire cutter.
*I prefer the 470uf/35V capacitor (Radio Shack #272-1030) for its larger voltage value.
All the items above are available from electronic stores such as Radio Shack.
How to:
First thing to do is turn your receiver OFF using the switch at the rear of the unit. Then disconnect all
attachments at the rear and unplug the power to your STB.
Remove the top of the STB; there is one large screw on each side and one smaller screw at the rear
of the cover, top center.