PATROL LEARN with a Controller Having PATROL Key
1. Press the PATROL key and the CAM (SET) key simultaneously to
start PATROL LEARN. The setup menu changes to show “LEARN-
ING” and the starting point parameters are stored.
2. Operate manually. Operations data is stored.
3. To stop, press the PATROL STOP key.
PATROL LEARN with a Controller not Having PATROL Key
1. Close the SET UP or SPECIAL 1 menu to start PATROL LEARN.
Starting point parameters are stored and “LEARNING” is dis-
played on the monitor.
2. Operate manually.
3. Open the SET UP menu to stop learning.
• It is recommended that you set PAN LIMIT to ON for PATROL LEARN. Otherwise PAN LIMIT is
invalid for playback.
• Restart from the beginning if the power has failed during PATROL LEARN.
• LEARN also stops 30 seconds after starting, or if the memory is full.
• Auto refreshing may be activated during PATROL PLAY or AUTO MODE to calibrate the lens
PATROL PLAY with a Controller Having PATROL Key
1. Press the PATROL key. The camera turns to the starting point and the operations stored in the memo-
ry are reproduced. Iris operation only is accepted during playback.
2. Press the PATROL STOP key to stop playback or press any manual operation key (e.g.,
PAN/TILT/ZOOM/FOCUS) except the iris keys.
PATROL PLAY with a Controller not Having PATROL Key
1. Close the SET UP or SPECIAL 1 menu. The camera turns to the starting point and the operations
stored in the memory are reproduced. Iris operation only is accepted during playback.
2. Open the SET UP menu, or press any manual operation key (e.g., PAN/TILT/ ZOOM/FOCUS) except
the iris keys to stop playback.
1. If the PATROL PLAY function is assigned to the AUTO PAN key, press the AUTO PAN key to turn the
camera back to the starting point and to reproduce the operation data stored in the memory.
2. Press the PATROL STOP key or any manual operation key (e.g., PAN/TILT/ZOOM/FOCUS) except the
iris keys to stop playback.
• During PATROL PLAY, the camera movement may occasionally deviate from the entered routine
when the routine includes a move to a preset position. If this happens, re-enter the routine of manual
operations in PATROL LEARN.
• During PATROL PLAY, black and white automatic switching does not work.
• During PATROL PLAY, when the power of the system controller is turned on or off, PATROL PLAY
stops. In case of this, press the PATROL PLAY key again. (If SELF RETURN is set, PATROL PLAY will
start again after elapsing the setting return time.)