About the indicator
The indicator will light or blink as follows depending on the camera status.
Indicator type and operation state
Change of indicator indication
ACT indicator
When data is being sent via the network camera
Blinks green (accessing)
LINK indicator
When the camera is able to communicate with the con-
nected device
Lights orange
SD MOUNT indicator
• When an SD memory card is inserted and could be
Lights off
Blinks green
Lights off
• When data can be saved after the SD memory card is
inserted and the SD ON/OFF button is pressed
Lights off
Lights green
• When data can be saved to the SD memory card
Lights green
• When the SD memory card is removed after holding
down the SD ON/OFF button for about 2 seconds
Lights green
Blinks green
Lights off
• When data cannot be saved to the SD memory card
because an abnormality was detected or the SD
memory card is configured not to be used
Lights off
SD ERROR/AF indicator
• When AF (Auto Focus) operation is being executed
Blinks red (Interval of 1 time/ second)
• When the set is being started
Lights red
• When an SD memory card is recognized normally
Lights red
Lights off
• When an abnormality is detected in both SD1 and SD2
cards after the camera has started
Lights red
• When an abnormality is only detected in the SD1 card
after the camera has started
Lights red
Blinks red
(Interval of 1 time/ 3 seconds)
• When an abnormality is only detected in the SD2 card
after the camera has started
Lights red
Blinks red
(Interval of 2 times/ 3 seconds)